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Request an analytics report

An easy to understand report of your website hits.

An analytics report tells you how much website traffic you're getting and where from.

What does it include?

- How many website visits you got

- How many repeat users VS new users you had

- Average time a user spent on your website

- How your visits were spread throughout the month

- Most popular days of the week 

- The sources your traffic came from (Facebook, Google etc)


This is essential for your marketing as you know which platforms are working well for you, and where you should spend your marketing budget.

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Request an analytics report

Thanks! You will receive your report soon. 

An analytics report is £5.

You can request a one-off report whenever you like which will show you statistics from the previous month, or you can upgrade to our Pro plan and automatically receive a report every month.


We recommend upgrading as understanding where your website traffic is coming from is vital for your marketing!


We will take your one-off or recurring payment automatically by direct debit.

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If you need any further clarification, please get in touch.

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