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Edit your website content

You can log in and change text or images on your own website.

Any design or layout changes will still need to come through me.

If you are not confident to make the changes yourself then you can still ask me to do it for you.


What kind of things can I amend?

You can amend text and images, so this means photo galleries, opening hours, about you text, and more.

You will still need to email us for any other larger scale changes.



You will need to ask us to add you as a collaborator on the website and give you the appropriate access.

Once you have access, follow the instructions below.

1: Log into your Wix account here -

We will have already run through setting you up an account by email. Log in using the details you set up. If you have forgotten them, go through the reset password link.

2: Find 'edit site' at the top right.

Click the button saying "edit site".

3: You are now in the content editor. Choose the page you'd like to work on.

To change the page you're editing: Click the dropdown at the top left.

To change text

Click the section the text is in. Edit it using the column on the right.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you keep roughly to the current word count of any given section or you will scramble up the design of the site (as sections will resize to fit your new word count). Once you have published, check your changes on the website to make sure everything is fine.

If you make the word lengths longer/shorter and it messes up the design, let me know ASAP.

To change a single image (not a gallery)

Click the section the image is in. Click 'Change' when you see the correct image on the right hand side.

Click 'Image.'

Click 'Site Files' on the left.

This will bring up your media manager, which you will be familiar with if you write blogs or manage other areas of the website.

Choose the right image from the media manager and double click it.

If the image isn't uploaded to the website yet, click 'Upload Media' at the top right and choose the image from your computer.

Try and keep an organised folder of images.

To change images in a gallery

Go to the page and section with the gallery in it.

Click 'Manage Media'

This will take you to the images in the gallery. Re-arrange as necessary. Click 'Upload Media' to find new images from your computer and drop them in the gallery.

To save or publish

If you want to save as a draft to return later, click save.

When you're ready, click 'Publish' to get your changes live online.

Please note once you have published, I cannot undo your changes without lots of work, so please make sure everything is correct before publishing.

Need help?

Just ask me anytime for help ( If you find this too fiddly, you can go back to emailing me anytime you need a change. Happy to help :)

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