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  • Writer's pictureShaun

Notice: PRICE DECREASE - Overhaul of monthly plans

We are transitioning away from our Web Management plans to a more classic hosting plan which includes maintenance, management and security.

You will be able to undertake your own website changes, or pay us ad-hoc to help.

This will affect your next renewal.


Your plan is being downgraded to £17 a month.

It still includes all the technical aspects, hosting, connection, SSL certificate and more.

It no longer includes web changes. You can do your own, or pay us ad-hoc.


We have resisted price increases for years, only changing our prices in 2021 when we completely overhauled our plans and began including web changes.

In 2024, we had a small £2 increase to cover rising overheads and maintain service viability.

That is only 2 price increases in over 10 years.

However like a lot of local businesses, even with this small price rise we've seen our profit margins shrinking as our overheads grow.

Another price increase would be required in 2025.

Reluctant to do this, we've decided to change our services.

What are the changes?

For years our clients have been requesting the ability to edit their own website content, a feature that was unavailable on our web platform until recently.

As of Summer 2024 this feature has arrived. All of our clients can now log on and edit their own text and images on their websites.

The result is that we no longer need to include our time for web changes in your prices, meaning we can charge less. Win win!


Summary of changes:

Price changes:

OLD PRICE: £22 a month

NEW PRICE: £17 a month (+ domain name at £1 a month)

Domain names are now £1 a month per domain.

Professional mailboxes prices have not changed as they are charged at industry standard retail price.

Service changes:

Plan no longer includes unlimited web changes. You can now do basic changes yourself.

Any more complex changes are charged at £40 an hour.

We still include all the maintenance, management, advice and other benefits of the plan you all know and love.


So in conclusion....

For the very vast majority of you, this will mean paying significantly LESS a year and still getting a custom website maintained by a reliable local team, which is a huge benefit over using DIY platforms and trying to maintain them yourself.

Complex changes are now charged extra but in reality most people won't need changes like this, and even if you do, we don't expect these invoices to amount to any more than £20-£40 per client per year.


What next?

As usual, you will receive an email when you have 1 month until your renewal date which will re-confirm the new plan and prices.


Want to continue with more support?

We know that this change isn't for everyone.

After a LOT of research, we are confident that at least 80% of our clients will be happy with this change.

However the other 20% will need the additional support we are now removing.

In these cases, we have partnered up with Web Goddess who are based in Uttoxeter. >

We have a simple handover process that will simply transfer your existing services to Holly and her team.

You can ask us for this option before your website renews.

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